
I had the chance to work with Alexandre very recently. Alexandre is a true professional with vast knowledge of his industry and excellent marketing and sales skills. He is a great decision maker with both high level strategic thinking and do it approach when comes the implementation phase. It has been a real pleasure to work with him and I look forward to working with Alexandre in the years to come.


Alexandre mi ha aperto gli occhi su un nuovo modo di gestire ilmarketing e la comunicazione aziendale. Brillante e con profondaesperienza. Il suo contributo è stato determinante. Molto utileanche il nuovo approccio del Neuromarketing.


Sur nos projets d’amélioration des ventes et croissance de marche, les résultats et la pérennité des démarches d’ameliorations mises en place sont la conséquence d’une bonne connaissance du terrain et de beaucoup de pragmatisme de la part d’Alexandre.
Sur ces points, Alexandre, par ses qualités, notamment sa remarquable capacité d’adaptation, son empathie, son fort sens de la mission, sa rigueur, son charisme a su convaincre les equipes commerciales et le management.
Dynamique et a l’écoute, il a su réussir dans des contextes culturels parfois différents.


Excellent strategic thinker, thinks out of the box, good sparring partner in a team.